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Modify Openings Manually

Session 1 of 5

Align Openings with Elements




In this session, you will learn how to align openings to fit neatly into their surroundings. Occasionally, the alignment of an opening may not be as desired, such as when an opening doesn't align neatly with a wall and floor edge. In these cases, you can use the 'Align' feature to quickly and easily adjust the opening with just one click.

Video Tutorial


Video Tutorial

Align with Walls and Floors

Align Openings with selected Elements

RibbonTab Align en-GB.png

With the alignment feature, you can align openings with selected elements, such as walls, beams, floors, and lines, as well as with other types of elements. This feature is compatible with linked elements and can be used in both 2D and 3D views.


To align openings:

  1. Go to the conclass tab and click on [Align].

  2. Select an opening.

  3. Select a reference, such as a Floor Surface, to which you want to align the opening.

  4. To align more openings, choose an opening again followed by its reference.

  5. Repeat these steps as many times as necessary.

  6. To exit the Align tool, press [ESC].

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