Coordination and Approval of Builder's Work Openings
In this session, you'll learn how to coordinate and approve builder's work openings in your project using the ConVoid Manager.
Video Tutorial
Selection and Navigation
When launching the ConVoid Manager, simply select an opening in your current view, and ConVoid will automatically select the corresponding opening in the schedule. The reverse is also true: selecting an opening in the schedule will automatically highlight it in your project. Multi-selection is possible in both cases.
To navigate directly to an opening, double-click on the row, and Revit will guide you to the selected opening in the current view.
Clash Zone
To quickly verify the distance between an opening and another element, use the Clash Zone. This zone expands around the opening based on the value you set, helping you determine if there is enough clearance between elements. The Clash Zone is only visible in a 3D View.
Approval of Openings
To approve openings, select one or multiple openings and click:
Approve the opening(s).
Reject the openings(s).
Set the status of the opening(s) to pending.
Reset the status of the opening(s). Note: Do not reset the status of a different discipline.
You can also add a status color filter to your active view to quickly identify the current status of each opening.
To add a color filter in ConVoid, ensure your View Template is set to <None>. Otherwise, ConVoid will be unable to add a color filter.
Click the [Colorfilter] button to set up a color filter. Use the color boxes to adjust the status colors, which will apply to each opening in the schedule and the current view.
Adding Titles and Comments to Openings
To comment on an opening, select one or multiple openings and enter a comment in the corresponding chatbox.
To add a title, type it in the appropriate textbox. By default, ConVoid automatically generates a title with the Void-ID. You can also include parameter values in your title using this example:
Input: [Level]_[Shape][Orientation]_[Total Height]x[Total Width]: The Wall Opening intersects the Floor.
Output: Level 1_Rectangle_Horizontal_200x300: The Wall Opening intersects the Floor.
This method also works for multiple opening selections. To apply a title or comment, press [Enter]. Note that you cannot delete a comment. All comments and titles added are automatically stored in the element and the *.bcf file. Other project participants working in the same model will receive the comments after saving or synchronizing your project.
To add a Snapshot to each opening, follow these steps:
Click on Snapshot, and a window will appear next to the schedule.
To capture a Snapshot of your current view, click on the camera icon.
To edit a snapshot using Paint, click on the paintbrush icon.
To delete a Snapshot, simply click the delete button.
Snapshots are saved locally on your computer, not in the Revit model itself. To share your snapshots with other project participants, you can either exchange a *.bcf file or set up a shared folder where the snapshots will additionally be saved. To define a shared folder, follow these steps:
Go to the Exchange menu and click on the arrow below.
Click on Settings.
Add a Shared folder for snapshots. Each user must complete this step to access the shared snapshots.