Cut and Uncut Openings with Hosts
The 'Cut' and 'Uncut' features allow you to cut or uncut openings with their Hosts, such as Walls and Floors. However, please note that Revit cannot create cuts with IFC or linked elements. This means that the openings and Hosts must be in the same model. It's best to use the 'Cut' feature only for openings that won't be changed during the design and construction stage. This is because cutting openings can cause issues when working with dimensions.
For example, if you have a wall with a cut opening, you will have two reference lines that represent the edge of the opening: the cutting edge of the wall and the edge of the opening. If you place a dimension based on the cutting edge of the wall and then remove the cut with the opening, the dimension will lose the reference line and be deleted. To prevent this from happening, it's always recommended to uncut all openings before placing dimensions.
Video Tutorial

Cut and Uncut Openings
To cut or uncut openings with their Hosts in ConVoid, simply select the openings in your current view or in the table and click the [Cut] or [Uncut] buttons. ConVoid will then attempt to cut the opening with the hosts. However, please note that there are some limitations to this process in Revit, which may prevent it from working in certain cases.
If the cut feature doesn't work as expected, we recommend making minor adjustments (1mm) to the oversize parameters of the openings and trying again. This can often resolve any issues and allow you to cut the openings with their Hosts successfully.
To quickly identify which openings haven't been cut with their Host yet, you can enable the 'Uncut Void' filter. This filter will display only the openings that haven't been cut yet, making it easy to see which ones still need to be processed.
Do Not Join Openings with Hosts
We highly recommend not using the Revit built-in feature 'Join' to cut a hole in the host elements. If you manually want to cut the openings, always use the Revit built-in feature 'Cut'.