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Coordination and Approval

Session 2 of 10

Opening - Drawing Status and Approval Status




When using ConVoid, each opening is assigned a drawing status and, upon user approval, an approval status. This provides valuable insights to help focus your coordination efforts.

Drawing Status


Drawing Status

Openings placed in the project are assigned one of six drawing statuses:


The 'Created' status is assigned when an opening is first created during the automatic creation process.


The 'Changed' status is assigned when an opening undergoes geometric modifications during the automatic creation and updating process.


The 'Deleted' status is assigned when ConVoid cannot locate the associated Host or Reference Element during the automatic creation and updating process. Note that these openings require manual verification and deletion, as ConVoid does not automatically remove elements from the project.

Up to Date

The 'Up to Date' status is assigned to openings that have experienced non-geometric changes during the automatic creation and updating process.


The 'Excluded' status is assigned when the 'Exclude from conVoid' opening parameter is enabled.


The 'Manually' status is assigned to openings copied or placed manually. Keep in mind that ConVoid can incorporate manually placed openings into the automatic process. Refer to the relevant session for more details.


Approval Status

Approval Status

Openings can have one of five approval statuses:


The 'Multi-Approved' status is assigned when an opening is approved by multiple disciplines.


The 'Approved' status is assigned when an opening is approved by a single discipline.


The 'Rejected' status is assigned when an opening is rejected by a discipline.


The 'Pending' status is assigned when an opening is placed on hold by a discipline.


The 'Default' status is assigned to openings without any assigned approval status.

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